Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Become a Real Estate Investing Mentor

As you find success through the Nouveau Riche experience of education in real estate investing and along with the community that comes with it, you may find yourself being looked at as a mentor. Others within your community and network will see that you have expertise in an area that they want to know more about so they will come to you with questions and mentoring. Whether you are ready to become a real estate investing mentor or not, there are some aspects of mentoring that you should keep in mind.

Few bonds in life are more influential than those between an individual and their mentor. As you begin your journey toward becoming a mentor, you will need to thoroughly understand the basics of mentoring before entering into a relationship with the person or persons you will be mentoring.

Look at a role you are probably already familiar with. Most of us have had a supervisor, a boss or coach. Those people wore many hats. They acted as, delegators, role models, cheerleaders, policy enforcers, advocates, and friends. As a mentor you will wear these same hats. Mentors understand the need to assume a number of different roles during the course of a mentoring relationship, but successful mentors also share the same basic qualities:
· A sincere desire to be involved with the person or persons being mentored.
· Respect for the person or persons being mentored.
· Listen actively.
· Empathize.
· See solutions and opportunities.
· Be flexible and open.

As you and your mentee begin your communication; exploring values, interests and goals, you will find yourself making a difference and having a positive effect on a person's life. What you may also be surprised to see is that you will be learning more about yourself, too. Mentoring is a shared opportunity for learning and growth. Mentoring doesn't just affect the person being mentored. Mentoring provides significant benefits. As a mentor, you will be
· Making a difference in someone else's life.
· Learning about yourself.
· Giving back and contributing to the future.
· Having fun.

If you're still not sure you understand what is expected of a mentor then just ask the person looking to be mentored. Good mentors are willing to take time to get to know their mentees, to learn new things that are important to the person, and even to be changed by their relationship. Accept the challenges and rewards of mentoring for a period of six months to a year or longer and experience the benefits that will last each of you a lifetime.

There s a special bond that develops between a mentor and their students. Nouveau Riche allows you to develop friendships with a number of students and mentors. The Nouveau Riche Community Network is the support you need to create a successful real estate portfolio! Just by being a member of the Nouveau Riche Community, YOU will have exclusive access to real estate investor services, professional contacts, real estate investing opportunities, and best of all, the camaraderie of like-minded real estate investors! Jim Piccolo, CEO of Nouveau Riche, is often quoted saying, “Your net worth is directly tied to your network.”